Warhammer World Mini Clash June 2022 - 3rd place

Zarbag's Gitz Zarbag's Gitz
Destruction Destruction

Card sets (13)

Zarbag's Gitz expansionPower UnboundDirechasm core setKhagra's Ravagers expansionThe Crimson Court expansionHedkrakka's Madmob expansionKainan's Reapers expansionEssential Cards PackSilent Menace Universal DeckArena Mortis 2 expansionHarrowdeep core setThe Exiled Dead expansionNethermaze core set

Play formats

Cards: 6 | 31 non-Rivals card/s

Not valid:
Championship Nemesis Rivals Relic Open

Objectives (11)

Total glory - 21
6 | 5 | 0
2 | 1

Upgrades (10)

10 | 0

# Name Name Faction Type Description Glory Restricted Set FAQ Tags TDC Popularity
N91 Infestation Zarbag's Gitz Objective Score this in an end phase if you hold every objective.
Forsaken Forsaken
5 - Zarbag's Gitz expansion - -  
N94 Obliterated Zarbag's Gitz Objective Score this immediately if a friendly Snirk Sourtongue is Inspired and takes an enemy fighter out of action.
Forsaken Forsaken
2 - Zarbag's Gitz expansion - -  
P10 Petty Vindication Zarbag's Gitz Score this in an end phase if you scored two or more other objective cards in this round.
1 - Power Unbound - -  
DC272 Dominant Position Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if your warband holds more objectives than any other warband.
2 - Direchasm core set - -  
DC285 Impending Doom Universal Objective Surge: Score this immediately after an activation if one or more enemy fighters are adjacent to two or more friendly fighters.
1 - Silent Menace Universal Deck - -  
DC366 Heeded Instinct Universal Ploy Choose one friendly fighter. Push the chosen fighter 1 hex, or up to 2 hexes if that fighter is a Quarry.
- - Hedkrakka's Madmob expansion - -  
DC377 Hypnotic Buzz Universal Ploy Choose one enemy fighter within 2 hexes of one or more friendly fighters. Push the chosen fighter 1 hex.
- - Silent Menace Universal Deck - -  
DC398 Punching Up Universal Ploy Choose one fighter with the lowest Wounds characteristic of any surviving fighters. In the next activation, that fighter is a Hunter and has +1 Dice and +1 Damage to their Range 1 and Range 2 Attack actions.
- - The Crimson Court expansion ? -  
DC435 Driven by Envy Universal Upgrade +1 Move
This fighter's Attack actions have +1 Dice and Cleave if the target is a leader.
- - Kainan's Reapers expansion - -  
DC445 Feral Symbiote Universal Upgrade +1 Damage to this fighter's Range 1 Attack actions. After this fighter's activation, give this fighter 1 Hunger counter. Then, if this fighter has 3 or more Hunger counters, deal 1 damage to this fighter.
- - Khagra's Ravagers expansion - -  
DC447 Formidable Defence Universal Upgrade This fighter is a Quarry. If this fighter is a Quarry:
+1 Defence.
-1 Dice from this fighter's Attack actions (to a minimum of 1).
- - Direchasm core set - -  
DC486 Silent Sword Universal Upgrade Silent Relic
This fighter is a Quarry.

Hex 1 HammerSmash 3 Damage 2

If this fighter is a Quarry and in no one's territory, +1 Damage to this Attack action.
This Attack action has Ensnare if this fighter has two or more Silent Relics.
- - Hedkrakka's Madmob expansion - -  
DC488 Soultooth Dagger Universal Upgrade (Errata update) The Grievous 1 keyword replaces the similar ability on this card.
This fighter is a Hunter.

Hex 1 SwordFury 3 Damage 2

+1 Damage on a critical hit. You can re-roll one dice in the attack roll if the target has one or more Move and/or Charge tokens.
- - The Crimson Court expansion - -  
E5 Great Gains Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if you scored five or more glory points in this round.
2 - Essential Cards Pack - NewestDuplicate 23/44 (52.27%)  
E13 Path to Victory Universal Objective Dual: Score this in an end phase if
One or more enemy fighters were taken out of action in the preceding action phase
And: Your warband holds two or more objectives.
2 - Essential Cards Pack - NewestDuplicate 5/44 (11.36%)  
E17 Supremacy Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if your warband holds three or more objectives.
3 - Essential Cards Pack - NewestDuplicate 3/44 (6.82%)  
E21 Centre of Attention Universal Ploy Choose one fighter and push each other fighter that is within 2 hexes of the chosen fighter up to 1 hex so that they are closer to the chosen fighter in an order you choose.
- - Essential Cards Pack - NewestDuplicate 19/44 (43.18%)  
E31 Inspired Attack Universal Ploy +1 Dice and +1 Damage to the first Range 1 Attack action made by an Inspired friendly fighter in the next activation.
- - Essential Cards Pack - NewestDuplicate 6/44 (13.64%)  
E48 Gloryseeker Universal Upgrade +1 Damage to this fighter's Attack actions that target a fighter with a Wounds characteristic of 4 or more.
- - Essential Cards Pack - NewestDuplicate 35/44 (79.55%)  
E51 Great Strength Universal Upgrade +1 Damage to this fighter's Range 1 and Range 2 Attack actions.
- - Essential Cards Pack - NewestDuplicate 37/44 (84.09%)  
AM9 Dark Sacrifice Universal Ploy Reaction: Play this after a gambit or Attack action that takes one or more friendly fighters out of action. Draw two power cards.
- - Arena Mortis 2 expansion - -  
H191 Contest of Equals Universal Objective Surge: Score this immediately after a failed Attack action if the attack roll and the defence roll contained the same number of successes (including critical successes).
1 - Harrowdeep core set ? - 19/44 (43.18%)  
H194 Ever Downwards Universal Objective Surge, Hybrid: Score this immediately after a power step in which:
You delved three or more times
Or: You delved one or more times, and one of the feature tokens you delved was in a hex in enemy territory and occupied by your leader.
1 - The Exiled Dead expansion - - 2/44 (4.55%)  
H205 In Cold Blood Universal Objective Surge, Dual: Score this immediately if:
A friendly fighter's Attack action takes the target out of action
And: That friendly fighter has no wound counters, or that friendly fighter is an assassin.
1 - Harrowdeep core set - - 2/44 (4.55%)  
H247 Not Lost Universal Ploy Choose one friendly fighter, then scatter 5 from that fighter's hex. If the chain enters one of more empty hexes that contain a feature token, place the chosen fighter in one of those hexes. Otherwise nothing happens.
- - Harrowdeep core set - -  
NM186 Instinctive Shield Destruction Upgrade When this fighter is given this upgrade, place one shield counter on this card, plus one shield counter if this fighter is a wizard.
Reaction: After this fighter is dealt damage, before checking if this fighter is taken out of action, remove the shield counters from this card. If you do Heal (X) this fighter, where X is the number of shield counters you removed.
- - Nethermaze core set - - 2/44 (4.55%)  
NM225 Sudden Revelation Universal Objective Surge: Score this immediately after a power step if your warband flipped two or more feature tokens in that power step.
1 - Nethermaze core set - - 6/44 (13.64%)  
NM231 Barging Forward Universal Ploy Choose one friendly fighter. Scatter 5 from the chosen fighter's hex and push the chosen fighter along the chain to the end hex. If the chain is interrupted, or if that fighter would be pushed into a hex that is blocked or occupied, do not push them any further. After the push, if the chosen fighter is a brawler, deal 1 damage to one enemy fighter adjacent to the chosen fighter.
- - Nethermaze core set ? - 3/44 (6.82%)  
NM236 Dark Inversion Universal Ploy Pick two feature tokens in empty hexes. Place each feature token in the hex the other feature token was in when you picked them.
- - Nethermaze core set - - 4/44 (9.09%)  
NM261 Swarming Darkness Universal Ploy Choose one friendly fighter and pick one feature token within 3 hexes of that fighter. If that feature token is an objective token, flip it. Otherwise move that feature token 1 hex towards that fighter.
- - Nethermaze core set - -  
NM287 Ferocious Bite Universal Upgrade +1 Dice to this fighter's Range 1 Attack actions.
+2 Dice to this fighter's Range 1 Attack actions instead if this fighter is a beast.
- - Nethermaze core set - - 3/44 (6.82%)  
NM303 Shrewd Wits Universal Upgrade This fighter is an assassin.
Reaction: After a scatter ability is resolved, push this fighter up to 2 hexes.
- - Nethermaze core set - -